Results for 'David Devidi And Graham Solomon'

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  1. John L. Bell, David DeVidi and Graham Solomon, Logical Options: An Introduction to Classical and Alternative Logics.D. Bonevac - 2002 - Philosophy in Review 22 (6):394-398.
  2.  99
    Tolerance and metalanguages in carnap'slogical syntax of language.David Devidi & Graham Solomon - 1995 - Synthese 103 (1):123 - 139.
    Michael Friedman has recently argued that Carnap'sLogical Syntax of Language is fundamentally flawed in a way that reveals the ultimate failure of logical positivism. Friedman's argument depends crucially on two claims: (1) that Carnap was committed to the view that there is a universal metalanguage and (2) that given what Carnap wanted from a metalanguage, in particular given that he wanted a definition of analytic for an object language, he was in fact committed to a hierarchy of stronger and stronger (...)
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    On Confusions About Bivalence and Excluded Middle.David DeVidi & Graham Solomon - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (4):785-.
    RésuméCet article discute diverses confusions, actueles ou potentielles, liées á la bivalence et au tiers exclu. Il s'agit, en particulier, 1) d'examiner divers cas illustrant les rapports entre la bivalence et le tiers exclu ; 2) de discuter la thése selon laquelle le tiers exclu et le schéma-T de Tarskipour la vérité entraînent la bivalence; 3) de proposer quelques remarques sur les rapports entre la bivalence, le tiers exclu et la preuve par l'absurde; 4) de scruter un argument répandu selon (...)
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    Tarski on “essentially richer” metalanguages.David DeVidi & Graham Solomon - 1999 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 28 (1):1-28.
    It is well known that Tarski proved a result which can be stated roughly as: no sufficiently rich, consistent, classical language can contain its own truth definition. Tarski's way around this problem is to deal with two languages at a time, an object language for which we are defining truth and a metalanguage in which the definition occurs. An obvious question then is: under what conditions can we construct a definition of truth for a given object language. Tarski claims that (...)
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    Logical Options: An Introduction to Classical and Alternative Logics.John L. Bell, David DeVidi & Graham Solomon - 2001 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    Logical Options introduces the extensions and alternatives to classical logic which are most discussed in the philosophical literature: many-sorted logic, second-order logic, modal logics, intuitionistic logic, three-valued logic, fuzzy logic, and free logic. Each logic is introduced with a brief description of some aspect of its philosophical significance, and wherever possible semantic and proof methods are employed to facilitate comparison of the various systems. The book is designed to be useful for philosophy students and professional philosophers who have learned some (...)
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  6.  54
    □ In intuitionistic modal logic1.David DeVidi & Graham Solomon - 1997 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 75 (2):201 – 213.
  7.  22
    A Logical Approach to Philosophy: Essays in Memory of Graham Solomon.David DeVidi & Tim Kenyon (eds.) - 2006 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Graham Solomon, to whom this collection is dedicated, went into hospital for antibiotic treatment of pneumonia in Oc- ber, 2001. Three days later, on Nov. 1, he died of a massive stroke, at the age of 44. Solomon was well liked by those who got the chance to know him—it was a revelation to?nd out, when helping to sort out his a?airs after his death, how many “friends” he had whom he had actually never met, as his (...)
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    Knowability and intuitionistic logic.David Vidi & Graham Solomon - 2001 - Philosophia 28 (1-4):319-334.
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  9. Knowability and intuitionistic logic.David De Vidi & Graham Solomon - 2001 - Philosophia 28 (1-4):319-334.
  10.  55
    Hume on "Greatness of Soul".Graham Solomon - 2000 - Hume Studies 26 (1):129-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume XXVI, Number 1, April 2000, pp. 129-142 Hume on ''Greatness of Soul" GRAHAM SOLOMON The "great-souled man" was first described in detail in Book iv of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. Simon Blackburn concisely summarizes Aristotle's portrait of this "lofty character": "The great-souled man is of a distinguished situation, worthy of great things, 'an extreme in respect of the greatness of his claims, but a mean (...)
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  11. Geometric conventionalism and carnap's principle of tolerance.David De Vidi & Graham Solomon - 1993 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (5):773-783.
    We discuss in this paper the question of the scope of the principle of tolerance about languages promoted in Carnap's The Logical Syntax of Language and the nature of the analogy between it and the rudimentary conventionalism purportedly exhibited in the work of Poincaré and Hilbert. We take it more or less for granted that Poincaré and Hilbert do argue for conventionalism. We begin by sketching Coffa's historical account, which suggests that tolerance be interpreted as a conventionalism that allows us (...)
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  12. Bayes Not Bust! Why Simplicity Is No Problem for Bayesians.David L. Dowe, Steve Gardner & and Graham Oppy - 2007 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 58 (4):709 - 754.
    The advent of formal definitions of the simplicity of a theory has important implications for model selection. But what is the best way to define simplicity? Forster and Sober ([1994]) advocate the use of Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC), a non-Bayesian formalisation of the notion of simplicity. This forms an important part of their wider attack on Bayesianism in the philosophy of science. We defend a Bayesian alternative: the simplicity of a theory is to be characterised in terms of Wallace's Minimum (...)
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  13.  34
    Measuring Interdisciplinary Research Categories and Knowledge Transfer: A Case Study of Connections between Cognitive Science and Education.Alan L. Porter, Stephen F. Carley, Caitlin Cassidy, Jan Youtie, David J. Schoeneck, Seokbeom Kwon & Gregg E. A. Solomon - 2019 - Perspectives on Science 27 (4):582-618.
    This is a “bottom-up” paper in the sense that it draws lessons in defining disciplinary categories under study from a series of empirical studies of interdisciplinarity. In particular, we are in the process of studying the interchange of research-based knowledge between Cognitive Science and Educational Research. This has posed a set of design decisions that we believe warrant consideration as others study cross-disciplinary research processes.
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    Gifts, drug Samples, and other items given to medical specialists by pharmaceutical companies.Paul M. McNeill, Ian H. Kerridge, Catherine Arciuli, David A. Henry, Graham J. Macdonald, Richard O. Day & Suzanne R. Hill - 2006 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 3 (3):139-148.
    Aim To ascertain the quantity and nature of gifts and items provided by the pharmaceutical industry in Australia to medical specialists and to consider whether these are appropriate in terms of justifiable ethical standards, empirical research and views expressed in the literature.
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  15. An addendum to Demopoulos and Friedman (1985).Graham Solomon - 1989 - Philosophy of Science 56 (3):497-501.
    M. H. A. Newman (1928) criticized Russell's structuralist philosophy of science. Demopoulos and Friedman have discussed Newman's critique, showing its relevance to the structuralist positions held by Schlick and Carnap, and to Putnam's argument against "metaphysical realism". I discuss Richard Braithwaite's (1940) appeal to Newman in a critique of Arthur Eddington. Braithwaite believed Newman had shown that "structure depends upon content". Eddington, in his reply, misunderstood the generality of Newman's argument.
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  16.  36
    Intuitionistic ε- and τ-calculi.David DeVidi - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (4):523-546.
    There are several open problems in the study of the calculi which result from adding either of Hilbert's ϵ- or τ-operators to the first order intuitionistic predicate calculus. This paper provides answers to several of them. In particular, the first complete and sound semantics for these calculi are presented, in both a “quasi-extensional” version which uses choice functions in a straightforward way to interpret the ϵ- or τ-terms, and in a form which does not require extensionality assumptions. Unlike the classical (...)
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  17.  20
    Truth and the liar.David DeVidi, Michael Hallet & Peter Clark - 2011 - In David DeVidi, Michael Hallett & Peter Clark (eds.), Logic, Mathematics, Philosophy, Vintage Enthusiasms: Essays in Honour of John L. Bell. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Frege famously claimed that logic is the science of truth: “To discover truths is the task of all science; it falls to logic to discern the laws of truth” (Frege, 1956, p. 289). But just like the other foundational concept of set, truth at that time was intimately associated with paradox; in the case of truth, the Liar paradox. The set-theoretical paradoxes had their teeth drawn by being recognised as reductio proofs of assumptions that had seemed too obvious to warrant (...)
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  18. Assertion Proof and the Axiom of Choice.David DeVidi - 2006 - In ¸ Itedevidikenyon2006. Springer Verlag.
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  19. Hobbes on Death and Scepticism.Graham Solomon - unknown - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 8.
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    16. Vagueness and Intuitionistic Logic: On the Wright Track.David Devidi - 2005 - In Kent A. Peacock & Andrew D. Irvine (eds.), Mistakes of reason: essays in honour of John Woods. Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. pp. 279-295.
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  21.  37
    Some Sources for Hume's Opening Remarks to Treatise I.IV.III.Graham Solomon - 1990 - Hume Studies 16 (1):57-66.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Some Sources for Hume's Opening Remarks to Treatise LIVJII Graham Solomon Hume opens Book I, Part IV, Section III of the Treatise with these remarks: Several moralists have recommended it as an excellent method ofbecoming acquainted with our own hearts, and knowing our progress in virtue, to recollect our dreams in a morning, and examine them with the same rigour, that we wou'd our most serious and (...)
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  22. Introduction: Prospects and problems for teleosemantics.Graham Macdonald & David Papineau - 2006 - In Graham Macdonald & David Papineau (eds.), Teleosemantics: New Philo-sophical Essays. New York: Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 1--22.
  23. Cultural and philosophical resistance to ritual in the modern world.David Solomon - 2012 - In David Solomon, Ruiping Fan & Bingxiang Luo (eds.), Ritual and the moral life: reclaiming the tradition. Dordrecht: Springer.
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    Sortition, Rotation, and Mandate: Conditions for Political Equality and Deliberative Reasoning.Graham Smith & David Owen - 2018 - Politics and Society 46 (3):419-434.
    The proposal to create a chamber selected by sortition would extend this democratic procedure into the legislative branch of government. However, there are good reasons to believe that, as currently conceived by John Gastil and Erik Olin Wright, the proposal will fail to realize sufficiently two fundamental democratic goods, namely, political equality and deliberative reasoning. It is argued through analysis of its historic and contemporary application that sortition must be combined with other institutional devices, in particular, rotation of membership and (...)
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  25. Survey Article: Deliberation, Democracy, and the Systemic Turn.David Owen & Graham Smith - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 23 (2):213-234.
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  26. Moral Neutrality and Contemporary Ethical Theory.William David Solomon - 1972 - Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin
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  27. Essays in Jewish Philosophy. A Selection From the Scattered Essays, Lectures and Articles, Among Which Some Major Studies on the Principles of Judaism, on the Philosophy of Saadya and of Jehuda Hallevi, and on Crescas and Spinoza.David Neumark & Samuel Solomon Cohon - 1971 - Philo Press.
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    Logic, Mathematics, Philosophy, Vintage Enthusiasms: Essays in Honour of John L. Bell.David DeVidi, Michael Hallett & Peter Clark (eds.) - 2011 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The volume includes twenty-five research papers presented as gifts to John L. Bell to celebrate his 60th birthday by colleagues, former students, friends and admirers. Like Bell’s own work, the contributions cross boundaries into several inter-related fields. The contributions are new work by highly respected figures, several of whom are among the key figures in their fields. Some examples: in foundations of maths and logic ; analytical philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of mathematics and decision theory and foundations of economics. (...)
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  29. Teleosemantics: The programme, prospects, and problems.Graham F. Macdonald & David Papineau - 2006 - In Graham Macdonald & David Papineau (eds.), Teleosemantics: New Philo-sophical Essays. New York: Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 1-22.
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  30.  51
    Lucid dreaming incidence: A quality effects meta-analysis of 50 years of research.David T. Saunders, Chris A. Roe, Graham Smith & Helen Clegg - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 43:197-215.
  31.  69
    Christian bioethics, secular bioethics, and the claim to cultural authority.David Solomon - 2005 - Christian Bioethics 11 (3):349-359.
    Though the papers in this volume for the most part address the question, “What is Christian about Christian Bioethics”, this paper addresses instead a closely related question, “How would a Christian approach to bioethics differ from the kind of secular academic bioethics that has emerged as such an important field in the contemporary university?” While it is generally assumed that a secular bioethics rooted in moral philosophy will be more culturally authoritative than an approach to bioethics grounded in the contingent (...)
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  32.  27
    Leibniz and Topological Equivalence.Graham Solomon - 1993 - Dialogue 32 (4):721.
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    Religion and Intellect: A New Critique of Theology.David Graham - 2019 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Uniqueness of embeddings and space-time relationalism.Philip Catton & Graham Solomon - 1988 - Philosophy of Science 55 (2):280-291.
    From recent writings of Brent Mundy and Michael Friedman we reconstruct two different representation-theoretic or embedding accounts of space-time relationalism, involving two different conditions on embeddings: respectively, uniqueness up to symmetry and uniqueness up to indistinguishability. We discuss the properties of these two accounts, and, with respect specifically to Friedman's projects, assess their merits and demerits.
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    A sociolinguistic approach to applied epistemology: Examining technocratic values in global 'knowledge' policy.Philip Graham & David Rooney - 2001 - Social Epistemology 15 (3):155-169.
    (2001). A sociolinguistic approach to applied epistemology: Examining technocratic values in global 'knowledge' policy. Social Epistemology: Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 155-169.
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  36. Buying Logical Principles with Ontological Coin: The Metaphysical Lessons of Adding epsilon to Intuitionistic Logic.David DeVidi & Corey Mulvihill - 2017 - IfCoLog Journal of Logics and Their Applications 4 (2):287-312.
    We discuss the philosophical implications of formal results showing the con- sequences of adding the epsilon operator to intuitionistic predicate logic. These results are related to Diaconescu’s theorem, a result originating in topos theory that, translated to constructive set theory, says that the axiom of choice (an “existence principle”) implies the law of excluded middle (which purports to be a logical principle). As a logical choice principle, epsilon allows us to translate that result to a logical setting, where one can (...)
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  37.  21
    Ritual and the moral life: reclaiming the tradition.David Solomon, Ruiping Fan & Bingxiang Luo (eds.) - 2012 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    In the twentieth century, in both China and the West, ritual became marginalized in the face of the growth of secularism and individualism. In China, Confucianism and its essentially ritualistic comportment to the world were vigorously suppressed during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) under Mao Zedong. But de-ritualization already took place as a result of the Chinese Revolution of 1911 under Sun Yat-Sen. In the West, while the process of de-ritualization has been generally more gradual, it has been nonetheless drastic. In (...)
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  38. David Boonin and Graham Oddie. What's Wrong? New York: Oxford Press, 2005, 746 pp. ISBN 0-19-516761-9 (pb). Stephen Boyden. The Biology of Civilisation. Sydney, Australia: University of New South Wales Press, 2004, 189 pp (indexed). ISBN 0-8840-766-6, $22.50 (pb). [REVIEW]Harold Coward, Andrew J. Weaver, Alan Dershowitz, Jose van Dijck & Phil Dowe - 2005 - Journal of Value Inquiry 39:543-545.
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  39. In memory of Peter Wollen.David A. Gerstner & Matthew Solomon - 2023 - In Queer imaginings: on writing and cinematic friendship. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
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    MacIntyre and contemporary moral philosophy.David Solomon - 2003 - In Mark C. Murphy (ed.), Alasdair Macintyre. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 114--151.
  41. Ritual as a cardinal category of moral reality: an introduction.David Solomon, Ping-Cheung Lo, Ruiping Fan & H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 2012 - In David Solomon, Ruiping Fan & Bingxiang Luo (eds.), Ritual and the moral life: reclaiming the tradition. Dordrecht: Springer.
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  42. Common-Sense and the Muses.David Graham - 1925 - W. Blackwood and Sons.
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  43. Teleosemantics: New Philo-sophical Essays.Graham Macdonald & David Papineau (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    Teleosemantics seeks to explain meaning and other intentional phenomena in terms of their function in the life of the species. This volume of new essays from an impressive line-up of well-known contributors offers a valuable summary of the current state of the teleosemantics debate.
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  44.  78
    Orthogonality and Spacetime Geometry. Robert Goldblatt. [REVIEW]Graham Solomon - 1990 - Philosophy of Science 57 (2):335-336.
  45.  93
    ILA AND JOHN MELLOW PRIZE: Bugbee’s Wilderness: Metaphysical and Montanan.David Graham Henderson - 2013 - The Pluralist 8 (3):46-54.
    Our true home is wilderness, even the world of everyday.—Henry G. Bugbee, Jr.Henry Bugbee was Born in New York City in 1915. This may not seem the most fortuitous birthplace for an interpreter of the wild rivers of Montana, but we might also remember that John Muir, interpreter of the High Sierras, was born in Scotland. Perhaps the movement west is an important prelude for such a vocation. Bugbee studied philosophy at Princeton and then at Berkeley, but before he could (...)
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    The Reception of the Copernican Universe by Representatives of 17th-Century Jewish Philosophy and Their Search for Harmony Between the Scientific and Religious Images of the World (David Gans and Joseph Solomon Delmedigo).Adam Świeżyński - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (4):5-23.
    The reception of the heliocentric theory of Nicolaus Copernicus in Jewish thought of the 17th-century period is a good exemplification of the issue concerning the formation of the relationship between natural science and theology, or more broadly: between science and religion. The fundamental question concerning this relationship, which we can ask from today’s perspective of this problem, is: How does it happen that claims of a scientific nature, which are initially considered from a religious point of view to be incompatible (...)
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  47. What’s wrong? Applied ethicists and their critics.David Boonin & Graham Oddie (eds.) - 2001 - Oxford University Press.
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    A Refined Account of the "Epistemic Game": Epistemic Norms, Temptations, and Epistemic Coorperation.David Henderson & Peter Graham - 2017 - American Philosophical Quarterly 54 (4):383-396.
    In "Epistemic Norms and the 'Epistemic Game' They Regulate", we advance a general case for the idea that epistemic norms regulating the production of beliefs might usefully be understood as social norms. There, we drew on the influential account of social norms developed by Cristina Bicchieri, and we managed to give a crude recognizable picture of important elements of what are recognizable as central epistemic norms. Here, we consider much needed elaboration, suggesting models that help one think about epistemic communities (...)
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  49.  31
    Introduction.David Henderson & Peter Graham - 2017 - American Philosophical Quarterly 54 (4):317-322.
    The papers in this issue all concern the normative standards by which we do or should regulate our joint epistemic lives in communities. Plausibly, reflection on how we should regulate ourselves—what one should insist on in one's own practice and that of one's epistemic partners—takes some cues from reflection on what we do insist on. The reverse is plausibly also the case. These papers also, more or less explicitly, suggest that our epistemic sensibilities themselves reflect the demands of epistemic practice (...)
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    Correction to: Under consent: participation of people with HIV in an Ebola vaccine trial in Canada.Janice E. Graham, Oumy Thiongane, Benjamin Mathiot & Pierre-Marie David - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1).
    An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.
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